Teacher’s Desk

This section is for the teachers of Saraswati World School and publishes the articles or posts authored by teachers or educational videos or presentations or social media pages or other useful information created or recommended by teachers.

The contents will be developed for the benefit of parents, students, and society at large.

Jayee Biswas
Teacher ( Information & Technology)

As a teacher, my aim is to incorporate the knowledge of basic computing & technology in the students and help them to take interest in learning computing technology. I would be glad to see the students get well acquainted with all the latest knowledge of the world of Information Technology.

Puja Karmakar
Teacher and Co-ordinator (Primary) & Head- Bangla Literary Society

My vision as a teacher is to stimulate my students' interest in Bengali as a language. Whether Bengali is a second or third language, I want the students to master Bengali as perfectly as they would their mother tongue.

Bangla Literary Society
Pushpa Patwa
Teacher & Head- Hindi Literary Society

" ज्ञान से बड़ा कोई दान नहीं और गुरु से बड़ा कोई दानी नहीं "

There is no gift greater than knowledge and there is no donor greater than a guru.

"मैं पुष्पा पाटवा हिंदी अध्यापिका सरस्वती वर्ल्ड स्कूल से, मानती हूं कि यदि समाज में कुछ करना है तो शिक्षक बने| शिक्षक बन कर आप ज्ञान  का संचार लोगों में बिना किसी रोक टोक के पहुंचा सकते हैं। हिंदी शिक्षा को महत्व देते हुए मैं चाहती हूं कि हर विद्यार्थी को हिंदी का ज्ञान हो, हिंदी को पहचाने । मैं हिंदी शिक्षा को सर्वश्रेष्ठ बनाना चाहती हूं मेरी कोशिश ये रहती है कि हिंदी पढ़ना बच्चों के लिए सरल और आनंद दायक हो खेल - खेल में बच्चे हिंदी को पढ़ पाए उन्हें रटने की कोई आवश्यकता ना पड़े और विद्यार्थी अपनी ज्ञान का विकास कर पाए।


Hindi Literary Society
Rinti Pramanik
Dance Teacher

I had a different love for dance since childhood. So later I grew up clinging to this dance and my aim is to spread this love to all the youngsters.

Madhumanti Mazumdar
Librarian/Art Teacher

My name is Madhumanti Mazumdar. I am the assistant teacher cum librarian at Saraswati World School. My favourite thing about being a librarian is the opportunities I have to work both with students and teachers. I believe that a library provide and promote quality fiction to develop and sustain in students the habit of reading for pleasure and to enrich students intellectual, cultural and emotional growth.

Sayani Chatterjee
Science Teacher

Kids are curious by nature. As a science teacher we should use relevant everyday events as a basis of science instruction that fosters interest and curiosity. This approach encourages students to take a more active role in figuring out how natural events work instead of being taught those lessons by an instructor.

Sangita Pandey
Science Teacher

As a science teacher my duty is not to educate students only, but also to make them aware of their surroundings. I want my student to not take education as a burden but to enjoy it and to apply their knowledge and skills in every aspect of life with new ideas and creativity.

Sangita Pandey

Sharmila Das Gupta
Science Teacher

Math and science education provides a framework for how to find answers. Math models phenomena and relationships in our observable environment, while articulating concepts from the intuitive to the obscure. Science gives deep attention to the quality and interaction of the things that surround us.

Priyanka Biswas
Pre-Primary Teacher(U.KG)

This is Priyanka Biswas. I am the teacher of Saraswati World School. I always try to behave like a friend with the students.
I always act as a trainer with my students. My aim is to prepare every student as an expert in their respective subjects.

Sangita Adhikari
Pre-Primary Teacher(Nursery)

 Being a pre primary teacher I can tell that a teacher must have affection, love and responsibilities to the children..."* I am glad to say we have all the qualities to call a mother teacher.*" We are magician who can change a sad face to a happy face.